Our Motto

Our Motto

राष्ट्रधर्म सबसे बड़ा धर्म
राष्ट्रहित सर्वोपरि
राष्ट्र ही सर्वस्व

So Nurture & Promote Legacy of our Maatrabhumi ‘Bharat’

What We Do

Promoting Indian Art Forms & rich cultural heritage by various means and ways basically for kids, teens, youth, their parents & others not only to inspire them to understand our traditional art forms but also to discover and develop their inborn talent and interest. To make them understand about their powerful role in social and cultural development and prepare them to serve the nation in various possible ways through their field of interest and contribute in Nation building.

Why We Do

For strengthening the foundation of this nation further strong & for “Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam”


How We Do

Through events and projects of various nature so as to inculcate affection for our culture, to imbibe values & ethos, to feel devotion & respect for Motherland always from within.